Monday, June 23, 2014

How to remove unwanted browser search engines and toolbars.

There are a lot of toolbars and search engines out there which integrates to our browser with out permission.
Basically these toolbars always comes along with software downloaded from any unverified site , sometimes these toolbars are installed on closing any popup or advertisement.

These toolbars are technically not a virus, but they do exhibit plenty of malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and in general just interfering with the user experience. The industry generally refers to it as a “PUP,” or potentially unwanted program.

These toolbars once installed on your computer, they will hijack your browser homepage and replace your default search engine.Futhermore, these programs will display ads and sponsored links in your search results, and may colect search terms from your search queries.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to REPEAT videos continuously from YouTube.

I have known this for a long time but just wanted to share with you all in case you want to repeat your favorite songs or videos from YouTube.

YouTube still does not play your videos automatically when its over and you have to reload the video again to play it.

Well there is a one word solution to this problem and that word is "repeat". Yes ... thats all .
All you have to do is to open the video on YouTube and insert repeat in the url.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to setup 3rd party url / your domain with your Blogger account.

This year Google's Blogger turned 15. Blogger though originally was started by a tiny company in San Francisco called Pyra Labs in August of 1999 was bought by Google in 2002.

This merger revolutionized people's way of expressing themselves. A total count of no. of active blogs on blogger is hard to find.

Recently blogger changed the way to handle user blogs by integrating them with multiple country-specific URLs, so if a person from Canada creates a blog, it will be and so on.

In midst of hundereds and thousands of blogs every person wants their blog to be unique. Blog name is just another war on the front.

A simple way to differentiate your blog and have a custom url is to associate your blog with any domain which you have purchased. One has to use DNS facilities to redirect a custom URL to a blogspot domain.

Following these simple steps will let you have a custom url to your blog :

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to stop annoying Game's Requests and Facebook Friends.

 Facebook Games

According to a report of The Guardian, Facebook had nearly 1.23 billion users by the end of 2013.

Having an account on Facebook is more common than owning a toothbrush (yeah, thats true!!). You might be on Facebook because of your friend circle, your business plans, celebrity pages.. etc..

Facebook is not just a social website anymore rather it has become so vast with a variety of games and features to keep entertaining its users.

But sometimes it gets annoying when we get hundereds of game request in a week by a colleague, acquaintance,  friend or even girlfriend. I am not sure of the last case but in rest of all i am sure you want to go out and scream at top of your voice and kill the person (i have done it a lot of time in my head) .

An easy alternate of this life imprisonment is to block the game so that you may not receive any single request.